1. Research & Innovation

Innovative Dental Implant Combats Gum Disease and Inflammation

A pioneering dental implant under development at Penn Dental Medicine aims to address the common issues of gum disease and inflammation that can lead to implant failure. Dr. Geelsu Hwang, a researcher with an engineering background, is leading the project.

The next-generation implant will feature two key innovations:

  1. A crown infused with nanoparticles made of barium titanate (BTO), a compound that naturally repels bacteria.
  2. LEDs at the base of the crown that deliver antibacterial and anti-inflammatory phototherapy to the surrounding gum tissue, powered by the piezoelectric BTO material that converts the motion of chewing or toothbrushing into electrical energy.

This technology could potentially be applied to other medical implants, such as joint replacements. The National Institutes of Health recently awarded Dr. Hwang a five-year grant to advance the implant’s development, supporting tests on human gum tissue cultures and mini pigs in preparation for human clinical trials.

Dr. Hwang is also researching a new piezoelectric dental composite material for fillings that would generate an enhanced electrical charge from chewing pressure, inhibiting bacterial growth on the composite surface.
